Friday, October 9, 2009

Another phone call

To double check, I had my wife to call PKNS this time. She posed as a potential buyer asking for the status of the apartment. This time a guy entertained the call. He explained that CF has been received and buyers may move in sometime in November. When asked about the on-going work at the apartment and the chances of moving in next month, the guy insisted that those are only final touches and buyers may still move in in November. The guy also mentioned about electrical installations to be carried out next week (week ending October 16th).

I'll inspect the premises next week to verify PKNS' claims.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Breaking News

I called Pangsapuri Belaian Bayu's hotline at 03-55197329 this afternoon to ask for the status of the apartment. The lady informed that Pangsapuri Belaian Bayu is complete and CF was obtained just before Hari Raya. When I asked exactly when will buyers get to move in, she hesitated to answer. I then insisted that she gave her best guess, and her answer was "November or December, as soon as banks disburse the final payment."

I'm already wary of PKNS' promises. We'll see what happens.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Photos - October 2009

The following photos were taken during a visit on October 3rd, 2009. The truth is I visit the site regularly since May 2008 to monitor its progress. I guess like many other buyers, I feel very anxious, nervous, and also angry due to PKNS' tardiness.

Greeting you at Pangsapuri Belaian Bayu are these water mains (domestic and fire) located smack dab next to the entrance. At first I find it extremely obtrusive due to its sheer size but I think I will be able to ignore it in time.

A valve near the entrance, just next to the flag poles.

This was found in the "Bilik Sesalur MATV" - a cable (probably coaxial) hanging loose, apparently not connected to anything.

Next to the trash bin is a concrete slab with fasteners and some exposed wiring. Either a light pole or a public telephone should be sitting on it.

My guess is that these wirings are for smoke or heat detectors.

Align Left
Fire alarm and manual call point as seen on the ground floor. The fire extinguisher is missing.

Fire alarm panel. I don't know what the two illuminated LED means. At the very least, it suggests that there is power supply.

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Inside the "Bilik Meter TNB" where your meters will be fixed.

Inside the apartment units, the distribution boards (DB) are also yet to be installed. Once you have a TNB account, they'll fix the DB for you I guess.

Living room switch socket outlet (SSO) are not yet installed in most (or maybe all) of the units.

Kitchen SSO, also not yet installed.

The following are the procedures for obtaining CF as per MBSA requirements.

Syarat Permohonan :

Permohonan yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah dikembalikan beserta dengan dokumen-dokumen berikut:-

a. Borang Semakan CF

b. Borang E

c. Surat sokongan jabatan yang berkaitan seperti:-

i. Jabatan Kejuruteraan

ii. Jabatan Perancangan

iii. Jabatan Lanskap

iv. Jabatan Bomba

v. Jabatan JKR

vi. Jabatab JPP

vii.Jabatan JPS

d. Gambar lanskap dan kemudahan-kemudahan awam seperti tempat letak kereta, hentian bas, tempat pembuangan sampah dan lain-lain (jika ada)

e. Gambar Infra termasuk jalan keluar masuk, longkang, parit erong dan lain-lain

f. Gambar luar dan dalam bangunan yang akan diberikan CF dan kawasan persekitaran bangunan.

Maybe things are basically in place for a CF application. However, I think there are considerable work that needs to be done before buyers can move in. Small fixes like the SSO, commissioning of the elevator, cleaning, and some final touch-up could easily take weeks to complete.

Photos - May 2008

This is how Pangsapuri Belaian Bayu looked like in May 2008. During the PKNS property fair held at Kompleks PKNS that month, PKNS claimed that Belaian Bayu was 95% complete and buyers may move in early 2009.

The following is what we can learn from the project notice (has been removed):
  • The main contractor is Selangor Industrial Corporation Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of PKNS. Their current business address as published on their website is No. 1, Jalan Singa B 20/B, Seksyen 20, 40000 Shah Alam. Tel: 03-55423297.
  • Construction commenced 21 February 2006 and was supposed to complete on 20 February 2008.
  • Plan approval reference number is MBSA/OSC PBT (PSP)/0379/2005
  • The landscape contractor is Tajul Landart. I googled for their website and found none. But at least we know that their business address is 76B, 2nd Floor, Jalan SS14/1, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-56326748.


Pangsapuri Belaian Bayu in Section 24 Shah Alam is an 11-storey medium cost apartment developed by PKNS. The purpose of this blog is to disseminate information so that buyers as well as potential buyers and tenants will be well informed about the property. One day, this blog may also serve as the unofficial JMB website where residents and tenants can interact with one another.